Patterns of Consumption and Potential Home Industry of Processed Fish Products in Kelurahan Bungus Barat
The abundance of marine wealth in West Sumatra has not been maximally
utilized even though the pattern of community fish consumption in West Sumatra has been
declared to have increased in the last 10 years. This is caused by several factors such as
inadequate management of the empowerment of marine and fisheries potentials, limited
fishing and processing technology, and dependence on climate in Indonesia. Bungus is one
of the areas in Padang City that has quite high fisheries resources. The composition of
landed fish species is generally dominated by large pelagic species such as tuna, skipjack,
cob, black stick and so on. Existing fishery products in the Kelurahan Bungus Barat include
fresh fish and frozen fish. Non-export quality fresh fish products are distributed for public
consumption in West Sumatra and the surrounding area. Export quality fish products are
distributed to Japan and America. Based on the results of a questionnaire analysis to
respondents in the West Bungus area, the conclusion obtained is that the community has a
good pattern of fish consumption because of public awareness of fish nutrition besides the
potential of the home industry of processed fish products in the Bungus Barat Village is
also quite high because it is supported by the government and abundance of fish in the area.
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